It is 40 years ago!
Derek Burroughs jr.,
'The Olga Observer'
'A Radio Rose of Texas'.

The 5 of the 'Olga Patricia'.
Dedicated to the memory of
Don Pierson(1926-1996)
of Eastland, Texas, USA.
Picture: The 'Olga Patricia'('Laissez Faire')back in Miami September 1967 after having finished her European service. 'Is she here 'marooned in a Coast Guard impound site in Miami?'('Boss Jock' Rick Randall, February, 2006)
Photo from the Pierson family collection, kindly provided by ©Grey Pierson.
A non-profit historical essay dedicated to the founders, staff and fans of the 5 stations.
PREVIEW April 7th, 2006,
40 years Anniversary edition May 3rd, 2006, 10.30am,
UPDATE SRE Swinging Radio England Closure Anniversary November 13th, 2006, 23.38pm,
UPDATE Final broadcast from Britain Radio Anniversary February 28th, 2007, 12.45 pm British time.
UPDATE Final broadcast from Radio 355 Anniversary on August 6th, 2007 at 00.22 pm British time, to commemorate the final broadcast from the Olga Patricia in Europe.
UPDATE SRE Swinging Radio England Closure Anniversary November 13th, 2008, 23.38pm,
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Radio England 1322 kc Boom Boom Brannigan show with Legal ID at 10am by Bill 'Boss' Berry Sunday, October 30th, 1966. Thanks to Lars Holm in Sweden for the recording.
Britain Radio 845 kc Phil Martin, Legal ID at 9am, News, Morning Serenade. Saturday, December 17th, 1966. Thanks to Tore Larsson of the Arctic Radio Club in Sweden for the recording.
'England's finest'. Preface by Conrad J.Earle
Contents and invitation for participation.
Chapter 1: Texan Radio takes to the air in Europe. Attempt of a diary of the Olga Patricia stations. By Derek Burroughs jr. Part 1: Summer 1964-April 1966.
Attempt of a diary of the Olga Patricia stations. By Derek Burroughs jr. Part 2: May 1966-November 13th, 1966.
Attempt of a diary of the Olga Patricia stations. By Derek Burroughs jr. Part 3: November 14th, 1966-February, 1967.
Attempt of a diary of the Olga Patricia stations. By Derek Burroughs jr. Part 4: March, 1967-August 6th, 1967.
Chapter 2: 'I went ahead and did it.' Olga Patricia, founder and administration. By Derek Burroughs jr.
Chapter 3: 'Ron on the radio from 2-6 pm.' Olga Patricia djs and newsreaders May 3rd-August 6th 1967. By Derek Burroughs jr.
Chapter 4: Inputs from and on Olga Patricia broadcasters. By Derek Burroughs jr.
Chapter 5: 'Today, this song is Boss Sound no.1-1-1'. Olga Patricia music and jingles. By Derek Burroughs jr.
Chapter 6: A radio hybrid. Olga Patricia programming. By Derek Burroughs jr.
Chapter 7: 'On '3-5-5' and '2-2-7'. Technical stuff. By Derek Burroughs jr.
Chapter 8: '32 Curzon'. Addresses and other administrative data. By Derek Burroughs jr.
Chapter 9: Sales and ratings. By Derek Burroughs jr.
Chapter 10: What happened to the Olga Patricia? By Derek Burroughs jr.
Chapter 11: Meanwhile on the Galaxy. By Derek Burroughs jr.
Chapter 12: 'See you around'. The end of Texas Radio in Europe. By Derek Burroughs jr.
KLIF 1190 Dallas, Texas, The Mighty 11-90 by Tony Fitzherbert
'Pickin' Up 'Boss' Vibrations. The Last month of Radio England' by svennam
'A Radio Rose of Texas'. The 5 of the 'Olga Patricia'. Version of November 13th, 2006. By Derek Burroughs jr.
Still Swinging! The Olga Patricia Stations Reunion, London, May 2006 pictures by svennam
Perspectives on the Olga Patricia by Derek Burroughs jr.
Where the heck is the Olga Patricia? by Rick Randall
Swinging Radio England panel "It was just a job". Radio Day, Amsterdam November 2007.
The Radio Rose of Texas. Information sheet November 13th, 2008.
Sound bytes
Statement on editorial policy:
This essay has no commercial objective and the material and the information is made available here for non-profit educational purposes such as teaching, scholarship, and research.
This essay does not claim to be an "official" history, nor is it created or endorsed by the former management, employees or the families behind radio stations England, Britain, Dolfijn, 227, 355, or London.
This essay is presented to preserve the history of these radio stations, and is an attempt to put their story into the context of general broadcasting and media history.
Statement on copyright:
All material in this edition and all earlier versions of 'A Radio Rose of Texas', and 'Pickin' up 'Boss' Vibrations', is ©Copyright 2004-2007 Corporate editor 'the Olga Observer' Derek Burroughs, Jr., 'Conrad J.Earle', 'svennam' ,and is the property of the corporate editor, or, is the property of the noted contributor(where this is known) and cannot be duplicated or otherwise distributed without prior written consent.
The contents and design of this web essay in this form originated with the copyright claimant.
Wholesale reproduction of text and contents as displayed is reserved to the copyright claimant and is not automatically granted to any third party, except from purposes of editiorial review.
Every possible effort has been done to comply with current copyright laws. The corporate editor requests that any copyright holders of material presented on this website give notice if they feel their copyrights are being infringed upon. In that case please contact the editor immediately.
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