Pirate stuff from
ofDX-Listeners Club Norway©
Someillustrations from the Hans Knot archive
1/64 SYD-TV was only a CATV-system,narrowcasting to people in a large
building-complexin Malmö. Mrs.Wadner had hoped to transmit from the Cheetah 2, though[1].
4/64 The address of Radio Caroline is54-62 Regent street, London W1.This is the address of Planet productions whoare dealing with the advertising to be heard from Radio Caroline last week.Another ship, the ”Mi Amigo”, is being fitted out at the moment andis due to join the ”Caroline” in 2 months time, broadcasting asRadio Atlanta. Will be anchored in a position near the Caroline. Radio Carolineoperates at 0500-1700 with approx. 10 kw on 1519 kcs which varies a little.
5/64 The address of Radio Atlanta is 47Dean street, London W1.The station is on the air 0300-1900 on 1493 kcs. RadioCaroline verifies with a card in black and white showing the outline of a bell.(SCDX)
6-7/64 Radio Caroline 0500-2000 and2300-0200, 1520 kcs. Off Harwich. Radio Red Rose, ”GBLN”, 12 hrs toEngland and 12 to France (nighttime) Approx. 310 metres(SCDX)
A 3rdpirate. Dagens Nyheter reporting the Radio Red Rose test on 200 metres July12th,1964 from 1140-1320 on a steamship 5 miles from the Mersey Bar per the”Daily Telegraph” for July 13th. The project was said to be ownedby 3 Liverpool Night Club owners. From the collection of Hans Knot.
Radio Sutch1100-1515, 1600-1900, 2515-0115 GMT, 7
Denmarkstreet, London WC2. Situated on an ”island” in the Thames Estuary.
1495 1422 RAtlanta QSA 5
1525 1020 RCaroline QSA 5
9/64 Radio Noordzee broadcasts on app.1395 kcs, from the REM island off Holland
and hasalso now started commercial TV ch 11. The station is heard well and has manygood and varied music programs. The company that runs Caroline
has acc. torumours bought a Norwegian ship and will transmit to Germany
off themouth of the Elbe. A German night-club owner will be the prgr. director. 150kilowatts? Will also broadcast to Denmark with Danish programmes .
”Musikmit heissen Rhythmen” to come. From the collection of Hans Knot.
10/64 1395 1002 R Noordzee off Holland.Hudson march QSA 5
1535 1550UNID pirate interfering with Caroline. City? 5/4
Britt Wadnerreceived a sentence of 5 months imprisonment. R. Syd transmitter
no spotsfor liquor or tobacco, gave free airtime to many worthwhile causes,
including aschool for the blind in Lund. Club Radio Syd had 5000 members,
and managedto gather 12000 on one occasion.
6-7/65 -110 Rolf Mong has got veries from R.City 1034/1609 with c.8 days and
K-I-N-GRadio 1268 with letter, car stickers etc after 14 days addr. KING RADIO, Oxfordhouse, Folkestone, Kent, England.
QSL to DX-LA 110 Rolf Mong, for report May 2nd, 1965,received May 29th, 1965
BIGL 1127answered 2 in that issue with letters.(28/45 days)
9/65 -47 Rolf Lövstrom says: RadioCity may be hrd now and then during
the nighton 1034 kcs. The fort where the station is situated , will be removed, and itis rumored that the owner has bought a ship. The station has now finished its”cultural” programs on 1625 and 299 m is now 15 kw.
RadioScotland will start on 265 in November(same as BIG L). R.Caesar testing on 1530kcs, 196 m, with a power of 190-500 watts. BIGL heard with QSA 4 on 1133 at1845 in Oslo.
10/65 R.Caroline North rumoured to start on FM also. A possiblemerger between
Manx Radioand Caroline.
1/66 Radio Two-Seven-O is a new pirate stationwhich plans to go on the air in March on 270 metres, 1111 kcs. Transmittingpower will be 10 kW and the station will be anchored either off Scarborough orBridlington. In Yorkshire according to official info from the station.R.Scotland address: Technical control. 38 Bath Street. Glasgow C.2. (SCDX)
2/66 Radio Caroline broke its anchor awhile ago and drifted onto a pier in Frinton-on-sea. Later it hit the beach andDutch Tugboats were needed to get the boat back into International Waters. TheBritish Authorities made no attempt of utilizing the situation, maybe not sostrange taking into account that the Egg Marketing Board and the Dairy businessused Radio Caroline to praise its products.
4/66 New British-American project to begin late May, 1966 on boardvessel Olga Patricia with two programmes: One freq with pop-music, and one with"light good music”.R.Caroline South reactive on 1495 kcs. (SCDX)
Radio 2-7-0was due to start on April 2nd but the ship was driven back to port owing torough sea, and a 100 feet section of the mast was broken. Intends to anchor 3miles off Scarborough, Yorkshire.
5/66 Twin station project RADIO BRITAINand RADIO ENGLAND is due to start
May 5th, with 55 kw each. R.Britain will be playing popmusic 24 hrs a day and Radio England will do the show with light romantic music21 hrs a day. The ship is renamed ”Laissez Faire”. R Manchester tostart off Fleetwood on 300 metres. R. Channel anchored off Bexhill, Sussexplans to start soon by Edward Campbell. R Mayflower rumoured. R.Scotland now on1260. Plans to boost power to 50 kw. R.Caroline South now from vessel Cheetah 2formerly used by the Swedish pirate Radio Syd.
The Cheetah II was fitted with a 10 kW transmitter fromthe Mi Amigo and used a wire aerial in its time as Radio CarolineSouth/Caroline 3 in 1966. Was it also used for a R 365 test in preparation for390 North on June 18th the same year? Picture: Unknown.
R.Dynavision hrd April 30th at 1430-1530 on app. 1280 kcs.A projected station testing? R.Tower on 1266 kcs will soon operate, at0600-1800 hours. 270 will now begin mid-May. City now 20 kw 0600-1800 s/offalso rpted at midnight. R.Essex 1351 kcs. Addr.: T.P.Bates, 33 Avenue Road,Westcliffe-on-sea, Essex, England.
6-7/66 SRE hrd for the first time at 2001on May 21, uses both 845/1320. The stn. sent me a card, showing station/ship,after 30 days. Britain Radio hrd on 1320 or 845. Addr is 32 Curzon street,London W.I. acc. To the DJ. R.London is now on 1115 approx. This is not 270which has not been heard(-278)
R.Corsairwith addr. Corsair house, 36Toronto rd, Gillingham, Kent.
England.The station operates on 7340 kcs 50 watts from a ship located app. 9 miles offNo.Kent coast in int.waters. Sce: At present low-power engineering tests. Fullsce. expected to be effective as from summer 1966, with int. programs.Verification by letter, IRC appreciated. ID: ”This is Corsair calling, on41 for fun.”
8/66 SRE on 1317 now. BIG L on 1138after drifting. 390 heard as R 365 on June 18th. City raided and silenced June20th. Back June 26th in the evening. Will probably soon be renamed UKGM UnitedKingdom Good Music under the control of BIG L. R 310 heard June 26th on 962 kcssign off 1800. 270 came on the air around June 3rd and was hrd that day with astrong signal. On the air until midnight on 1115. R Rag reported to start inthe Humber, 5 miles off Hull on June 18th 6 hrs a day from ”YawlTemptress” on 215/220m. Rag week at Univ. of Hull with Norwegian studentstaking part.
9/66 Mr. T.P. Bates, owner of RadioEssex-scheduled 24 hrs a day on 222 metres at 5 kw, is to open a new station,R.Albatross in November. The station will be based on an old naval fort atTongue sands in the Thames estuary. The fort is of identical design to the oneat Knock John sands used by Radio Essex. However, the Tongue Sands fort wasrecently condemned by the Port of London Authority as ”insecure”.The format and wavelength of Albatross is not yet available for generalrelease.(SCDX)
11/66. Britain Radio Nov.2, 1966 at 1015."From Monday on Swinging Radio England will become Radio Hollandbroadcasting in the Dutch language. SRE 13.nov. 1966 at 2300. Last prgr inEnglish with many of the DJs saying goodbye. There were Gordon Bennett, Bill"Boss" Berry, Roger Day and others. Former dj Johnnie Walker is nowon Caroline, and dj Rick Randall went back to WFUN Miami, Fla. SRE ceasedtransmissions at 2339 in English with jingle "Boss Radio". R.Englandbecame Radio Dolfijn 227 m on Nov.14
1966broadcasting in Dutch from 0500-2300 every day. First day non stop
instrumentalmusic only... Second day djs were doing the show with pop
and lightmusic. -Caroline North operates also on 1169 kcs-259 m between
2230 and0600.
12/66 Heard: BBMS ex R. Essex at 2330 on 1349with QSA 4.(28/11). Radio Essex has been renamed Britains better music station.R.Jim hrd irregularly on Sun. only as
”YourSunday music station." QRG 1511 kcs. Also on a Sun in May from 1000.
QSLletter for the author’s R390 report signed by Ted Allbeury as late as1991
1/67 Address of Radio Dolfijn:Amsteldijk65, Amsterdam, Holland. BIG L hrd on approx 1080 kcs 277 metres.
2/67 R.City with new address CliffordHouse, 15 Clifford Street, London W.1. has been served with summons for illegalbroadcasting. Scotland Yard has informed the owner, mrs. Dorothy Calvert, thata second boarding party can probably be expected on the station. R.Essex plansa new station on Rough sands tower orf Harwich. Negotiations are going on withCaroline for a new station 6 miles off Felixstowe.
4/67 Britain Radio and Radio Doifijnreturned on March 15th following repairs of the antenna mast on board"Laissez Faire". During the first day Britain changed to R.355 andDolfijn to R.227. After having been anchored off Troon, Ayrshire, andfined-Scotland will now start again from off Berwickshire in the North Sea. 1/4at 0945 on 1133 "This is R.East Anglia”. Drowned Big L, new piraterumours, land-based, GPO tried to locate it in vain. Then Big L announced thatit was April Fool’s day....
Whenmeeting Keith Skues in Sheffield 1983,the author had the marvellous opportunityof reading some of the text of his script ”Pop went the pirates”many years before it was published. It was very interesting, particularlyregarding Caroline South, London, and City.
5/67 Radio Aberdeen will be on the airduring the month of April as part
of theAberdeen University Charities Campaign. The stn is being organised,
constructedand ran by the students. All money gained from adverts will
go to charity.Power 1 kw. The exact MW freq hasnot as yet been decided
on.Transmissions will be made from 3 1/2miles off Aberdeen. On May 21st a newlow-powered pirate, R.Activity will operate on 222 metres with 15 hrs dailypop-music(SCDX).
DX-LA110 Rolf Mong heard and verified this rare station when it was testing inDecember 1965.