DX-Memories from 1968:

The early 1190 WBMJ San Juan, PR.

Svenn Martinsen, ARC


Christmas holidays and radio listening!


On December 28th, 1968 at 20 minutes past 2 GMT Disc Jockey ”Charlie Brown” presented his 8-12pm evening show on WBMJ 11-90 from the studio in the penthouse above the San Juan Darlington. He looked out on the terrace behind the studio and loaded the cartplayer with PAMS’ ”Sonosational” News Jingle: ”WBMJ eleven-ninety: twenty twenty news is now!" He then opened the mike channel on the mixer and pressed the button for the morse bleep introducing the first news story and announced: “Charlie Brown 20/20 news, these are the headlines after 10.”


Little would he know that on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, a teenager had been glued to his Klaveness Vega Clipper Super radio all night triggered by the frequent Pams jingles and ”20/20” news bulletins introduced by that familiar jingle so well known from ”Big L” Radio London(closed in August 1967) just over 50 kHz down the MW band.[1]


After many hours of listening, in Bergen, Norway it was now early morning, and as no headphones were used, the 17 year old youngster inevitably had kept his family awake for hours with the pop tunes of the day carried across the Atlantic by the strong signals from the transmitter site in Guaynabo, Puerto Rico 7200 kms away, like “California Soul” by the 5th Dimension, "Back in the USSR" by The Beatles, and "Stormy" by The Classics IV. Of other material Brown also used a "horn" effect, similar to many US top 40 DJs at the time, and an ad for the Darlington hotel[2]:


Extract of reception log: ”Back in the USSR w the Beatles. (Honk) ”That’s the Beatles from the Beatles album Back in the USSR, 9.09 WBMJ time, the Charlie Brown show. Ad(w catchy Spanish tune, plus ad for ”everybody this holiday season-)The San Juan Darlington Hotel.” Into "California Soul" by the 5th Dimension. (Honk) ”WBMJ time…, the Charlie Brown show.” PSA for ”…memorial hospital.” Music ”Crimson and Clover” by Tommy James & Shondells and ”Everyday People” by Sly&the Family Stone. 0220 Jingle from Pams “Sonosational” series #18: ”You’re hearing things(2x)on WBMJ 11-90”  0020 …”take you on to headlines w "Stormy" by The Classics IV on the Imperial label…” ”WBMJ time now 20 minutes after 12pm”. Pams Newsjingle “WBMJ eleven.ninety:twenty twenty news is now!" News sounder.”Charlie Brown 20/20 news these are the headlines after 9”. Top story about ”Chmn Russell Long of Louisiana.”… Music: “Hello I love you” by the Doors, “Did you ever have to make up your mind” by Lovin’ Spoonful,  ”Ice in the Sun”by Status Quo, ”I’m gonna make you love me” by Diana Ross&Supremes/Temptations: …TOTH ID: ”It’s one minute after 11 o’clock on the new WBMJ San Juan, Puerto Rico, welcome to hour no.4, babies.”


Yes, ”Charlie Brown”  and WBMJ made a great impression over Christmas 1968. The station was not listed anywhere, but I found out where it came from by listening to the ads!


WBMJ was owned by Bob Hope’s Mid-Ocean Broadcasting Company, and set up by its excellent General Manager, the late Bob Bennett[3] in 1967-1968.


I reported the station after the December 28th, 1968 reception, but did not receive a reply. I did get a QSL card later, however, posted in San Juan on Oct.8th, 1971.


Recording 1968:


With its distinctive sound and top modulation the station was frequently picked up in Scandinavia in the years to come. In the 1970 season I heard it on a "barefoot" (no external antenna) Radionette 1001 transistor radio! QSL cards were first signed by Chief Engineer Manolo Perez Romero, and later by Rudy Reyes. Eugenio Figueroa and Bert Johnson also served as CEs.


Software: Microsoft Office

Bob Hope entertaining US airmen at Earls Colne AFB in the UK in 1943. Picture: Stars and Stripes?


WAPA and WBMJ had adjacent transmitting sites in Guaynabo as well as entries in the Broadcasting Yearbook, here is the 1969 edition.


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QSL-card from the early WBMJ non-directional nights. Signed by CE Rudy Rivas?


Listen to 4 of the PAMS of Dallas ”Series 18” ”Sonosational” jingles here[4]:



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General comments on Puerto Rico AM Radio late 60s/early 70s.


Due to the salt-water paths often good strengths were noted from PR stations. I remember 1320 WUNO Radio Uno well, with many more receptions than WBMJ, indeed almost every morning when “sunrise” dx was discovered in the early 70s. As WNEL it was one of the frequent DX stations for Swedish DXers in the 40s.


Also 1140 WQII Once Q" Guaynabo, managed for a time by David Gleason(see below) heard on Dec. 24th, 1975  which he sent me a QSL letter for. Many other PR stations did make it over here, 1600 WLUZ Radio Luz, 1590 WXRF R Guayama, 1560 WRSJ Radio San Juan, 1520 WRAI R Aeropuerto, 1480 WMDD R El Conquistador, 1430 WNEL R Tiempo, 1400 WVOZ R Voz, (I heard this local station with good strength several times),1390 WISA Isabela, 1370 WIVV(see below), 1280 WCMN R Centro, 1160 WBQN all many times. 1030 WOSO El Oso in English, and 1070 WMIA R Mia just once. Also 940 WIPR, 870 WHOA, 740 WIAC, 680 WAPA, 630 WQBS, 580 WKAQ and surely others.


Inputs on WBMJ


The late Olle Alm, of Arctic Radio Club, Sweden might have been the first person in Scandinavia who noted the station:

”When old time DXer Lars Rydén visited San Juan radio stations in mid 1967, Bob Bennett had left WKYN 630 to become VP and Manager of WBMJ. At that time WBMJ, owned by Bob Hope, was under construction with studio space rented at Hotel Darlington, Santurce. At WKYN Bob Bennett had served as Program Director. He was the one who signed my QSL for WKYN in January 1964. The station went on the air sometime in mid 1968, first European logs in September 1968, after that a regular catch.”


Veteran broadcaster David Gleason[5], of https://www.worldradiohistory.com/ takes up the story:


GM/ general manager Bob Bennett was a veteran of US Top 40 radio when he moved to Puerto Rico. WBMJ signed on in 1968 under and Bennett continued to manage the station through 1980 when Bob Hope's Mid Ocean Broadcasting sold to record impresario Jerry Masucci.


From 1968 to roughly 1972, WBMJ was an English language Top 40 station, with all announcing and music in English. Spots were mostly in Spanish, though. In 1972, WBMJ switched to Spanish jocks and a mix of 90% English music with some Spanish pop hits, under the name of Radio Rock. Radio Rock became #1 very quickly, staying there through much of the rest of the 70's, challenged seriously only by WKAQ with its Spanish Top 40 and, later, WQII, with its Spanish Hot AC format.


The reasoning for the format was simple: all through Latin America, American music was popular. A really tightly done Top 40 with US hits would be an attractive proposition. However, all advertising in PR tended to be in Spanish, so the spots were in Spanish. Even in 1968, there were less than 100,000 "Continentals" living in PR; everyone else was a Spanish speaker first...Many knew English, though. The station, however, never got into the top stations in ratings, usually registering around 7th or 8th.


WBMJ was simply another iteration of the proven Top 40 format from the mainland. Since the Island of Puerto Rico is a US territory, it was natural to use mainland announcers and jingles and, of course, follow religiously the Billboard record charts. Since the culture shock of living in PR was hard on the jocks, they seldom lasted more than a year. On the other hand, there were several totally bilingual Puerto Rican jocks who were there for a lengthy period, speaking English on a station in Puerto Rico!


It took nearly a year to get the directional pattern of WBMJ to work. Originally licensed at 10 kw day and night, the station had to reduce power to 5 kw at night to get the system to proof, since the site is surrounded by rocky small mountains to the West of the towers, which are in a riverbed. The studios, from sign on in 1968 to 1980 were in the Penthouse of the Darlington (which often went bankrupt becoming the Borinquen, and later, Gran Bahía Hotel) in the Miramar section of San Juan with an impressive view of the San Juan Bay and Old San Juan and the Condado hotel area. Beautiful.


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This is where WBMJ came from: The San Juan Darlington Hotel. Photo: Scott Brady?


The ads for the Darlington were part of the rent trade the station had. The station only moved when the hotel finally closed down and was shuttered around 1980. The hotel was a tourist hotel, but it was not on the beach, and not near restaurants.


I once interviewed Charlie Brown to work at WUNO; he was feeling underpaid at WBMJ and was trying to learn Spanish… There have been so many Charlie Browns in US radio I really doubt that anyone could figure out who he was now. Bennett died in the early 90's, and the local English language jocks like Héctor Ortiz are also now dead.

In 1972, WBMJ switched to Spanish jocks and a mix of 90% English music  with some Spanish pop hits, under the name of Radio Rock.

WBMJ became a salsa oldies station about 1981 as Exitos 1190 and then, eventually, became religious under the ownership of the operators of WIVV from Puerto Rico's Vieques Island.

In the years I managed stations in San Juan, I considered Bob Bennett both a friend and a worthy competitor. WBMJ, especially as Radio Rock, was a good station and brought up the standards of radio on the Island.”


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A Puerto Rico AM station made impression in Europe. WBMJ Grafitti from 1969.


And then it’s over to Patrick Crumhorn, in TX, who sent me a most informative email in September 2004:


”I just came across your page on WBMJ 1190 and have a couple of pieces to add.


I lived in San Juan as a teenager from late 1968 until January of 1974. Needless to say, WBMJ was always on my radio for much of that period along with what was then the Armed Forces Radio station from San Juan's Fort Buchanan army base at 1030 kHz - long since replaced by a commercial broadcaster - WOSO.


I knew several of the personnel at WBMJ over the years: Charlie Brown, Davy O'Donnell, Junior Juncos, Bob Bennett and Bill Thompson.  Thompson's mother owned "El Disco de Oro"  in the late '60s and early '70s, a small record store in Old San Juan that was the main place to go for "underground" and alternative music - what was later to be named "album rock" I suppose.  I worked there briefly one summer.


Charlie was indeed one of the best jocks anywhere at the time, I think. His real name was Tim Schafer[6]. I know he worked briefly for a Virgin Islands station, too.

I'm pretty sure that switchover must have happened after January of 1974.  I still have clear memories of WBMJ continuing to be an English-language station until after I left the island.  I know that by the time of my first trip back, in the Summer of 1975, the station had  switched to Spanish and become "Radio Rock," but this happened later than Mr. Gleason says.

I also went to high school with Janet Luttrell, who now heads up the missionary radio company that owns WBMJ and WIVV.  WIVV was already a religious station owned by the Luttrells during the 1968-1974 period I lived there. It was strange to find out many years ago that WBMJ was now part of her operations and was doing full-time religious broadcasting.  Quite a change from the good old days of Hendrix, the Guess Who, etc.


The jocks at WBMJ inspired me to get into radio, and I worked briefly in San Juan for WIAC-FM, who were experimenting with an English-language "underground" format - only lasted for 6 months or so before they went back to simulcasting the AM station.  I called myself "Pat Brown" in homage to my inspiration, WBMJ's Charlie Brown. I went on to become the music director of KUT-FM in Austin, Texas (an NPR "public" radio station) before quitting and taking a clerical job with the Texas Legislature.


Anyway, finding your page brought back many fond memories for me.  Thanks for sharing it!”


Eugene Lisansky wrote in September, 2005 from St.Petersburg, FL where he worked for ClearChannel Communications’ cluster of stations based at WHNZ-AM 1250 in Tampa Bay. He was Program Director of that station:


“I had seen your webpage about WBMJ before, and I was happy to receive your e-mail.  I'm afraid I can't add much to the historical record, but I can tell you the facts:

 Around the summer of 1970, when I was 15, my step-brother and his girlfriend were students at the University of Puerto Rico.  Their English teacher was a very unusual woman, who encouraged them all to write poems, stories and songs about life and love.  Since this woman's classroom was in a basement, she called her students the "Cellar Creatures".  Somehow this creative output ended up being turned into a half-hour public affairs program at WBMJ, called "Cellar Lines".  I had written some poetry of my own, and I was asked to come along to several recording sessions at the station studios, which I believe were in the Darlington building in San Juan. (That is also ironic, since when I moved to Puerto Rico in June 1967, my step father was living in the Darlington Apartments in Mayaguez.  We moved to San Juan in August that summer) 


Anyway, I accompanied my step-brother's girlfriend at the time named Aurea Vega, to the recording sessions, which were held on Tuesdays, I think.  The program aired Sunday evenings around 6pm.  I made several tape recordings of the shows off the air, which I think I have in a box somewhere, although I have not played them since the 1970's.  The show featured various poems, songs, and dramatic readings, all of which were written by the students.


Right after one of the recording sessions, one of the station staffers in the control room asked me to read something off a small card that was taped to the window.  It said "WBMJ is hot fun in the summertime".  Then he asked me to read it with more feeling, so I laid it down with gusto.  They used that liner all that summer; I kept hearing it on the air, and swelled with pride knowing that was MY voice.  Probably helped propel me into radio, although I didn't doing anything on air until 1975, in college in NJ, and didn't really jump in until 1979 in graduate school in Ann Arbor, MI.  I didn't began my full-time professional radio career until 1985 in Grand Rapids, MI, 15 years after the WBMJ incident.


And then from "Sweet" Scott Brady, WBMJ 1972-1974, who contacted the editor in March, 2008:


Beskrivelse: Bill Thompson

Letter of referral from Bill Thompson that Scott Brady(Karl Phillips) used to get other radio jobs.(Submitted by Karl Phillips)[7].


”I came to WBMJ via the US Navy around March of 1972 and was stationed at Sabana Seca, south of San Juan.  


Being a disc jockey towards the end of my high school days in Atlanta at WQXI 790,  I fell victim to the military draft and quickly joined the service of my choice in the US NAVY. After boot camp and school in Pensacola, Florida, the Navy sent me to Keflavik,  Iceland. When I got there, I was able to work during my "free time" at American Forces Radio on 1484 kHz. After my year in Iceland, the US NAVY sent me to Sabana Seca which was south of San Juan,  probably to "thaw me out". Yes - it is cold in Iceland.


As soon as I heard of WBMJ 1190 - I immediately went straight to the station and talked with Bill Thompson who was very receptive to using me for weekends and part time fill in work.  


When I went on the air, I used my real name, Karl Phillips. Well, that came to a pretty quick halt as the station hired a full time guy named Gary Phillips. I was called in and told they would have to change my name because they could not have 2 guys named Phillips.  The new program director, Mike Michaels, and I settled on the name Scott Brady.I became a whole different person when I went on the air for first time with that name. It was weird. I got very open and funny and entertaining.  You can't have that in today's radio, now can you ???


Of course when I arrived,  Charlie Brown was already there and doing the mid-day shift. Bob Bennett was mornings. Afternoons were handled by either Mike Michaels, Marty Malo or Philip "Sanchez" Baker. I think Gary Phillips did nights.


I did the overnight shows and some 7PM to midnight..whenever I could get away from the US Navy and I also filled in for the guys when they were off. My shifts were so unpredictable due to the fact that I was in the Navy and had to work in between my shifting shifts at Sabana Seca.


Shortly after coming on at WBMJ,  I soon figured out that I was making a lot of money between the US Navy and WBMJ and I decided to move off the Navy base in Sabana Seca and get an apartment or something near the radio station.  I had a car so I could get back to the base when I had to.  


Charlie Brown (Tim Schafer) and I were the best of friends and we lived together at a condominium called Miramar Towers on Fernandez Juncos across from the station that was at the top of the Borinquen(previously Darlington) Hotel.  We paid about $300 a month rent for a two bedroom apartment on the 6th floor. Total paradise !! I got a few funny stories to tell about him and I and some of our "adventures" as two gringos in Puerto Rico.


I never got the chance to meet Bob Bennett. All of my dealings were with the other jocks (that I remember and can name at the drop of a hat) and Bill Thompson and the other PD that came through there, Mike Michaels. I have airchecks of me, also doing Bob Bennett's show in his absence and some of Charlie announcing that I was "up next".  I also have an aircheck of me and Charlie coming in as I was turning it over to him.


I even received a death threat while out there one night and had to get the police out there to stand guard for a night or so…There was no protection at all.  


I remained at WBMJ from that time all the way to "the END" when the language change came into effect and the station became RADIO ROCK.


In "the end" I was informed that I would have to do my shows from the transmitter site in Guaynabo...no kidding.  All alone, in a sugar cane field with frogs - cattle and all kinds of bugs,  snakes and crap. They built me a little studio in that little brick building (there are pictures further down in the essay, editor) and I would have to go out there to do my shows.  


I could not figure out why they did not want me in the hotel at the main studio doing my shows until just a few years ago it dawned on me.


They were using the studios to lay down all of the NEW Radio Rock jingles, songs and teasers on carts and they did not want me around to find out what was going on....because I wasn't allowed to know that the station was about to go Spanish language exclusively and we were all about to get fired.


When THE END did come they told us we were released....except for Moonshadow and Heavy Dude.   Bill Thompson and Radio Man bought into Radio Aeropuerto Internacional and "THE NEW WRAI" (1520 kHz)  was born and I followed them across town doing mostly midnight until 6AM until about March of 1974 when I decided to get out of the Navy and return to Atlanta to WGST Radio 640.   All of the other staff members left the island and went north.  Charlie Brown went to WLOB 1310 in Portland. Junior Juncos went over to WNOR 1230 in Norfolk and now is in Tucson, Arizona…I think Mike Michaels bought a radio station on St. Croix,  but I am not sure of that.


I am now out of radio and I miss it. My last job in radio was 2001. I am, however,   a voting member of the Georgia Radio Hall of Fame.  I hope everyone enjoys my recollections.”


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Picture: Scott Brady on the air on 1190 WBMJ.(Scott.)



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The late Jack Curtiss writing for the San Juan Star in the Summer of 1972 on San Juan radio ratings.(Clipping submitted by Karl Phillips.



From the late Jack Curtiss:


My long-term contact in connection with the twin radio stations aboard the ”Olga Patricia”( Radio England/Dolfijn-Britain Radio) off the UK in 1966-1967, the late Jack Curtiss, formerly of Radio Visionbroadcast International (trading in the UK/Holland in 1966/67) has given a very valuable input on that operation[8] . Jack was also in Puerto Rico from late 1968 to early 1974 and remember the Bob Hope station WBMJ very well:


“(Your)recent WBMJ)notes set off a nostalgia binge... a flood of Puerto Rico memories and people whose names I've not seen in ages. Funny thing about Bob Bennett and start-up of WBMJ. He was the first person I contacted after reading about the station in a San Francisco newspaper and he told me not to come..that there were no jobs (one English station was already closing down and going Spanish) and that I'd hate the place and want to leave almost as soon as I got there. Naturally, I ignored his counsel, went anyway in Dec. 1968, and within a few months, became program director of WHOA-AM, the oldest English-language station in town. I must have arrived with a few days of you hearing that first WBMJ broadcast from the Darlington. I am puzzled how very little information is available on-line about WHOA (where talkhost Sally Jessy Raphael of NBC’s Talknet got her start) and its longtime owner Carmina Mendez.


I recall very clearly operating the board for a few of Sally Jessy’s broadcasts.


I loved Puerto Rico, the pace and the tropical lifestyle. I did radio, TV, newsapers, magazines even became president of the civic theatre and starred in a play. It was all so seductive I could see how easy it was for other Anglos I knew to let their years there stretch into decades but I was determined to move on. So in February 1974 I hopped on the plane to Paris and closed out five happy balmy years in the Caribbean.”


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Former “pirate”of Texan Radio in the UK, Jack Curtiss, PD of 870 WHOA-AM, San Juan, Puerto Rico, later of the San Juan Star.


Also in March, 2008, former listener Alan B. Bernier contacted us:


“I read your very interesting information about the old WBMJ 1190 radio in San Juan, Puerto Rico. I was a listener since 1969 to that station. The old station was located on one of the penthouses and had one of the most panoramic sights in Puerto Rico since the building was the tallest structure on the island at that time.


The current station(in its Christian format) transmits today from the Santurce area of San Juan.


Around 1980 or so WBMJ advertised they would hire some young people that had knowledge of Rock music. I was a student at the University of Puerto Rico at that time and figured that having been a listener since I was a kid, I would be perfect for the job, Well so did a few hundred others that crowded the station lobby. The station people started passing around a test/application form that included questions about DISCO and LATIN music to general outrage of those present. Most of us were true rockers and did not care for any other music. After a while the manager came out and told us they has already chosen the people they were looking for and sent the rest of us away with a gift of a car license plate with the station logo on it. I think I still have it somewhere.”


WBMJ personnel 1968-1986[9]:


Don Mariano Artau

Alba Raquel Barros

Philip "Sanchez" Baker

Bob Bennett(GM), (occasional air shifts)1968-, deceased

Scott Brady(Karl Phillips)1972-1974

Charlie Brown, original dj, 1968-1974

Moonshadow (Raymond Broussard) later did mornings at WSKQ-FM in the New York City market.

Rick Damico[10]

Davy O'Donnell

George McDougall - News

Bill Johnson, 1968- Commercial and Promotions Manager

Bill Thompson, 1968- the first Program Director

Junior Juncos(Kris Kelly, Clayton Cox), 1970

Gene Lindsey, 1970 (Eugene Lisansky)

Emmanuel “Sunshine” Logrono

Willie Lopez 1975(dj)[11]

Marty Malo

Jose Manuel 1975(Station Manager)

Mike Michaels - PD

Hector Ortiz, deceased

Manolo Perez, 1968 (CE, Chief Engineer)

Gary Phillips

Ric Roberts(original dj)

Rudy Rivas - Chief Engineer

Tom(Harry?) Sherwood - News (Later went over to the new WRAI)

John Simon, 1968 News Director

Bill Thompson(occasional air shifts)

Luis Vigoreaux(1980s)

Bobby West(original dj)

Heavy Dude - this guy was wild on the radio, funny, and could not speak English very well...but entertaining nonetheless.... This per Karl Phillips.

The Receptionist. Karl Phillips cannot remember her name but she also did some commercials and he says she was real nice.


Sonshine in the Sunshine. WBMJ Today:


WBMJ is licensed to the capital city of San Juan, Puerto Rico, and covers the San Juan Metroplex, adjacent cities, and the Central and North-Eastern portions of the main island of Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico is a commonwealth of the United States where English is spoken as a second language.

Network: ”The Rock” Radio Network(bilingual). Most programs are simulcast on all stations, presenting Christian and family programming in English during the morning and afternoons, and in Spanish in the evenings.

Sister stations: WIVV 1370, WCGB 1060.

Format: Christian Ministries and Music.(On WBMJ from September 29th, 1986, on WGCB from 2004.)

Affiliations: Salem Radio Network.

Ownership: Calvary Evangelistic Mission, Inc.

Studio facilites: Santurce, PR. 1409 Ponce de Leon Ave., 4th Floor, San Juan, PR 00907-4023.

First air date: August(?)1968.

Former call signs: WBMJ 1968-1984, WXTO (1984-1985), WBMJ 1986-

Call sign meaning: We Broadcast the Message of Jesus.

Schedule: The network broadcasts 18-20 hours daily touching lives in Puerto Rico and the Lesser Antilles Islands.

Technical information:

Frequency: 1190 kHz.

Power: 10,000 watts day, 5,000 watts night. Directional antenna.

Transmitter: Nautel.

Transmitter coordinates: 18°21′0″N 66°6′50″W. South of Guaynabo, PR, near to WAPA-680 and WIAC-FM, and relatively near WQII-1140.

FM: Translator W258DT 99.5 San Juan.

Website: www.therockradio.org


WIVV Vieques Island, PR 1370 kHz: Bert Johnson, K0BKB, former Operations Manager of WBMJ-WIVV Radio gave this input in July, 2004: WIVV (West Indies Voice of Victory) was the first missionary radio station and the first full-time Christian station in the West Indies.(December 8, 1956, 1 kW)  It is located on the Puerto Rican Island of Vieques, and has a power output of 5,000(since 1970) omni-directional watts on AM 1370 kHz. WIVV covers the far-Eastern and South-Eastern areas of Puerto Rico, the US and British Virgin Islands, and most of the Leeward Island of the Lesser Antilles. 5/1 kW. FM: W280GC 103.9 MHz. 


WCGB Juana Díaz/Ponce, PR, 1060 kHz 5/0,5 kW. FM: W293DP 106.5 MHz.












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WBMJ transmitter site near Guaynabo, PR[12]©.



1190 WBMJ San Juan, PR 1986-.

Photo Series[13]


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WBMJ antenna towers are painted.

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The late Ruth Luttrell[14], 1926-2014(middle), former president of Calvary Evangelistic Mission(CEM). She co-founded CEM with her late husband, Donald, with a vision to reach the Caribbean with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Word of God. In 1953 they opened this evangelical, interdenominational, Bible-based, non profit, faith ministry, with the Bible Correspondence School. In 1956, WIVV Vieques Island 1370 was founded as a missionary outreach station and inaugurated by airing Händel's "Hallelujah. In 1986 WBMJ 1190 was added forming ”The Rock” Radio Network, and in 2004 WCGB 1060. Also in the picture are daughters Nita(l) and Janet(r), the latter has led the CEM for many years.



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Santurce area, San Juan, PR from present WBMJ roof.

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WBMJ southern tower. 


[1] Or, I wondered, was it a return of Radio Caroline? The AM channel used was very close to that left by “Radio Caroline South” on 1187 kHz half a year before. Now another American voice was speaking there instead of the great “Bud Ballou”. (Aka Howie Castle of WNDR 1260 and WOLF 1490 Syracuse fame! And “Disc and Music Echo” and “Sweden Calling Dxers” that autumn had carried notes about a new offshore station called “Radio Marina”, a project with a ready radio ship sitting in Miami said to be led by a certain John Dane.

[2] Charlie Brown aircheck from WBMJ from 1968: https://airchexx.com/charlie-brown-sign-off-1190-wbmj-san-juan-august-1968/

Sign off text: ”This is WBMJ, San Juan, Puerto Rico, at the end of our broadcast day. WBMJ is owned and operated by Mid-Ocean Broadcasting Corporation with main studios in the San Juan Darlington Hotel. If you have any suggestions and comments regarding our programming, send them to: General Manager, WBMJ, Penthouse #1, San Juan Darlington Hotel, San Juan, PR. Until the early morning, from WBMJ to you, muy buenas noches.” (La Borinqueña & SSB are played).

[3] The first news of the station we can find is in ”Billboard”, March 17th, 1967 where it is said WBMJ will go on the air ”in about a year.”

[4] The compilation is published here solely for historical purposes with the generous help of Norman Barrington


and the generous permission of Jonathan Wolfert of Jam Creative Productions Inc. of Dallas


protected under copyright by Pams Productions Inc. of Dallas


All rights preserved.

[5] http://www.worldofradio.com/dxld3053.txt

David has told more of his experiences in Puerto Rico here:



[6] Obituary and picture: https://www.tributearchive.com/obituaries/18436425/Timothy-Jerome-Collins-Schaefer

[7] Scott Brady aircheck from WBMJ 1973:


[8] http://www.stellamaris.no/olgapatricia1322845.html

[9] With the aid of Scott Brady(Karl Phillips)and Alan B.Bernier.

[10] Rick Damico aircheck from WBMJ 1972: https://rickdamico.com/radio

[11] On April 6th, 1975, Lopez, at work in the WBMJ studio heard three knocks on the window of the terrace atop the Darlington. Nobody could get out to the terrace without using the door from the studio a few feet from the disc jockey, and Lopez had seen no one use it. Curious, he went to the window and saw outside a "glowing figure" that ran to hide behind one of the parapets. Nervous, he called the station manager in the hotel. Lopez then went back to the window and saw, close by, a luminous large object, performing a rocking motion in the air. Going back to the control desk, he stunned cut into the music to describe to the listeners what he had seen. When the station manager arrived at the studio; the dj was in shock and had to be taken to the hospital.

[12] Used by permission of EM and JM of HCJB World Radio.

[13] Used by permission of EM and JM, serving God through the Radio Planting mission of HCJB World Radio.

[14] Obituary: https://secondunion.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/2ThoughtsApr2014.pdf